Personalised Diaries and Calendars in minutes...

Welcome to the Calendarwizard Blog! Upload your favourite photographs and personalise your calendar or diary with important dates and photographs in minutes. The perfect gift for you and the family!

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Even Arthur the dog is on YouTube!

You’ve met Arthur, he’s the family pet and was wearing a hat in last week’s blog on photo storage. I’ve recently been focusing my thoughts on digital cameras because they provide content for our photo calendar and personalised diaries but actually there’s been a revolution in video which I completely missed. Most good cameras can now generate quality video content and the latest professional digital video cameras are even more fantastic. Gone are the days of needing a complete film crew with lighting and even a catering van to film an advert. You just need a cameraman and director to create quality video that looks great on a website but is also TV broadcast quality.

How does video relate to my dilemma when selling a photo calendar? How can we explain to a prospective customer about buying a calendar and how to upload photos? When I heard that YouTube was the second most active search engine behind Google I decided action was required. It seems obvious now but a video is a simple way of explaining products to customers, however providing video content two weeks ago seemed like a big leap for Calendarwizard.

So last Saturday morning found me dressed up as Father Christmas pretending that Christmas 2010 had already arrived. Saturday was very hot and I had on the complete Santa Claus kit including beard and wig, I’m presently losing weight for a triathlon but hadn’t planned to lose it all in one morning sweating. We also videoed a water fight, skateboarding in the park, on the beach, and even Halloween, all possible magic moments in a year that could be included in a calendar. How does one decide what constitutes a magical moment? For example, my family gets a large personalised calendar every year and this month’s image has the family dressed up in swimsuits designed for protection from jelly fish stings, not flattering and definitely embarrassing but a magical moment

However, back to Arthur and his appearance on YouTube. Our number one subject for calendars is families and number two is pets, so Arthur was commissioned to appear in the park with the family and a chase a ball. Never work with children and animals! After two hours of Arthur and the children fighting we finally got some video and you can see a short clip on YouTube including me in the Father Xmas suit. The complete 90 second version will be launched later this year as part of our Xmas promotion.

Checkout the lastest Calendarwizard video on YouTube

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