Personalised Diaries and Calendars in minutes...

Welcome to the Calendarwizard Blog! Upload your favourite photographs and personalise your calendar or diary with important dates and photographs in minutes. The perfect gift for you and the family!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Calendarwizard's Tuesday Top Tip

Photo gifts are perfect for creating a present that last all year, but what if your photo you want to use isn’t quite right? It’s too light, too dark or just needs a quick touch- up before you upload it to your calendar, dairy or notebook? Here at calendarwizard we’ll post our top tips on how to create the perfect photo by using simply easy photo editing software. The best bit is, that like calendarwizard photo uploading - they‘re all FREE!

I’ll use real photos that are taken from our recent Personalised Photo Calendar video and show you simply ways to improve your photos or create fun pictures that create quirky gifts for friends and family. Top Tip: Try it on your facebook photos.

Next week- Little editing tweaks to create the perfect Pic!

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