Personalised Diaries and Calendars in minutes...

Welcome to the Calendarwizard Blog! Upload your favourite photographs and personalise your calendar or diary with important dates and photographs in minutes. The perfect gift for you and the family!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Little Tweaks make the perfect Pic! Part two – Dark Photos

We used and looked at amending photos simply by changing the Hue, saturation or lightness of the photo in the adjustments tab. This week, what do you do if your photos too dark?

So you’re thinking ‘My Photo’s too dark and I’m no photo editing wiz!’ No problem! ‘Autofix’ quickly sorts the issue. I used on this image and although it might still need a little work you can see the change in the photo immediately.

Your photo will automatically be amending to ‘correct’ the lighting. As you can see the previously grey sky is now white and the image is slightly darker.

With one click you can make the smallest changes and create the perfect photo calendar. All our photo calendars and diaries are printed digitally so if you photo are too dark you may be disappointed with the final product so this week’s Top Tip is always make sure your photos are light enough on your computer before uploading

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